Задание: Ваши зарубежные друзья из экологического клуба “ Green Planet/Зелёная планета” хотели бы посетить ваш поселок. Им интересны экологические проблемы вашей местности и пути их решения. Подготовьте информацию для своих гостей.

Критерии оценивания материала:

1) Оригинальность представления материала

2) Лингвистическая грамотность представленного материала

3) Целесообразность использования технических приемов в представленной работе.

4) Достоверность информации, соблюдение авторских прав

5) Полнота раскрытия тематики задания.

6) Соблюденеи авторских прав, наличие ссылок на источники информации




Our homeplace as well as the name of the whole district reflects the nature of the flat steppe surrounding the countryside. If you think that the landscape we have is dull, you are wrong. There are not so many people who have managed to see a real bustard bird in nature (it’s a protected rare species in Russia), or admire the endless fields of blooming colourful wild tulips in spring, are there? Of course, you can hardly see a bustard any time you wish, but  to enjoy a spring steppe with crystal pure air,  lark'swarbling and wild tulips is real!

The special pride with Rovnoye dwellers is our Volga. It is beautiful in any season and time. What a magnificent sight is a sunrise over it! When you see it you are sure to think: “How nice it is! I love you, Life!”

Any season has its own charm, and you can find it in our hometown as well.
As the proverb says "Seeing is believing", come and make sure by yourselves
Right now we want to invite you to follow the ecotourist route made specially for you.

Ecotourism in Rovnoe 

To have a distinct vision of the ecological problems in Rovnoe we've conducted a public opinion poll among Rovnoye's dwellers.

We'd like to add to the list some not less urgent ecological problems, such as

1. The decrease of the navigation water level in the Volga near Rovnoe.
2. Water pollution.
3. Illegal plucking of wild flowers in spring.
To find the optimal ways of the solution of these and some other problems, we'd like to hold an ecological conference.

The international conference "The ecological
problems of our district and the ways of their

Dear colleagues, as the members of the regional volunteer movement, we are glad to greet you at the ecological conference "Live Planet". We are ready to discuss some urgent problems with you. We'd like to know how the similar problems are solved in your country. Let's try to find effective ways to solve them together.

Our projects

Rovnoe's Coat Of Arms
Rovnoe's Coat Of Arms
The ffag of Rovnoe District
The ffag of Rovnoe District